for life
Life is not easy for everyone.
Give something of yourself to others
It will help, I'm sure
For many, it may mean not to fall.
Pride and reputation will not change.
Do you reach out?
To meet the difficulties and bad things,
look at it as a challenge.
What is unique about you,
is that who you are,
others may need you right now.
Do you reach out?

Think of each other and show that you care.
Ask: "How are you?
Do you need help?
Yes I ' ll be there.
To give a hug, to share with feelings.
Do you reach out?
Summer and heat,
cold and winter.
It is the contrasts that life brings.
Do you have a friend to talk to?
Do you listen to your friend?
Then their life has taken wings.
Do you reach out?

Do not be afraid to share your grief,
it is much more dangerous to collect it in a basket.
To speak and say what you think,
it's part of life now.
Show you feel, and smile often.
A friend is there even before needed.
Do you reach out?

Life is the time you live in now,
live it and use it,
and think that:
"There is so much you can do
So much love to share.
So many smiles and laughter to show
So do something
Do you reach out?
Do you reach out?
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